The book has been rewritten for v 1.5, apart from parts of Chapter 1 that cover CMS and Joomla! history. The presentation style is similar to that of the v 1.0 book and similar issues are discussed.
Improvements include:Internationalization: UTF-8 coding throughout, support of right-to-left text flow, and optional language files for all static text facilitate I18n of public front end and administrative back end alike.
User Plug-ins: Allow alternative login mechanisms etc.
Databases: An abstraction interface supports MySQL 4.x or 5.x and future use of other databases.
FTP: A new FTP interface avoids PHP safe mode access problems.
XML-RPC: Support for web service integration of external applications.
Joomla! Framework: Fundamental overhaul of the core functionality provides a better framework for component and extension developers.
Accessibility: Separation of front-end programming logic and presentation aids compliance with accessibility standards and future barrier-free websites.
SEF: Improved support for search-engine friendly URLs with extensions.
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